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libros aparecidos de junio 2020 en adelante

Con ecos de Mistral, Vallejo y Neruda, Gustavo Gac-Artigas, poeta y escritor chileno, nos entrega esta colección trilingüe de veintinueve poemas. Escrita en los idiomas que han marcado su existencia, captura momentos de una vida vivida a plenitud desde el roce con la muerte hasta el descubrimiento del amor infinito. “Al dar vuelta a las últimas páginas, el lector buscará con avidez nuevas oportunidades para leer su poesía de versos líricos y sin adornos a fin de que mi sueño sobreviva en el tuyo” (David Unger).

With echoes of Mistral, Vallejo and Neruda, Gustavo Gac-Artigas, Chilean poet and writer, offers us this trilingual collection of twenty-nine poems. Presented in the three languages that have marked his existence, he captures moments of a life lived to the fullest, from the encounter with death to the discovery of infinite love. “You will turn the final pages wishing there were more opportunities for the poet to let my dream survive in yours.” (David Unger).

Avec des échos de Mistral, Vallejo et Neruda, Gustavo Gac-Artigas, poète et écrivain chilien, nous offre ce recueil trilingue de vingt-neuf poèmes. Écrit dans les langues qui ont marqué son existence, il capture les moments d’une vie vécue au maximum, du contact avec la mort à la découverte de l’amour infini. « En tournant les dernières pages, vous serez avide de nouvelles occasions pour lire sa poésie afin que mon rêve survive dans le tien » (David Unger).

Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, diciembre 2020

Disponible en eBook, Paperback y tapa dura en Amazon

De aquí y de allá

Alejandro Varderi

Se desarrolla fundamentalmente, entre las ciudades de Madrid, Caracas y Nueva York, desde octubre de 2016 hasta enero de 2018. Eventos históricos, políticos, sociales y culturales hallan eco en sus páginas, no desde la Historia per se, sino desde el modo como esta moviliza las pequeñas historias de los personajes. La represión, producto de gobiernos autocráticos en Hispanoamérica; los conflictos sexuales y de género; y las luchas colectivas y personales de caracteres desplazados de sus lugares de origen, tienen un espacio preponderante dentro de la narración. Recrea eventos tales como el encarcelamiento de los líderes venezolanos de la oposición; las manifestaciones multitudinarias contra la disolución, por parte del Gobierno, de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente; y éxodo masivo de la población del país caribeño, huyendo del hambre y la violencia. El ascenso del populismo en España y los Estados Unidos, con el consecuente incremento de la xenofobia y el racismo, encuentran también su lugar en estas páginas, tejiendo un fresco amplio e inclusivo donde el lector podrá encontrar, como diría Severo Sarduy, "conjunciones y disyunciones" con su propia biografía.

Editorial Pliegos, España, 2020

Seven Mexican American teenagers hide in a cave in Texas to avoid the draft in World War I. During the next seven days and nights, they tell stories and we learn who they are and why they left home. The teens fall asleep and when they they wake up, they find out that it is the year 2024, a post pandemic era. The second part of the narrative presents different aspects of the war told from various points of view, which taken together highlight haunting tales that will stay with the reader long after finishing the book. The text contains photographs which facilitate the visualization of the other worldliness of the stories.

Publicado independientemente, Octubre, 2020

Paperback, disponible en Amazon

“To read these poems is to be reminded again and again of our true allegiance to each other.” ―from the introduction by Julia Alvarez

With a powerful and poignant introduction from Julia Alvarez, Resistencia: Poems of Protest and Revolution is an extraordinary collection, rooted in a strong tradition of protest poetry and voiced by icons of the movement and some of the most exciting writers today. The poets of Resistencia explore feminist, queer, Indigenous, and ecological themes alongside historically prominent protests against imperialism, dictatorships, and economic inequality. Within this momentous collection, poets representing every Latin American country grapple with identity, place, and belonging, resisting easy definitions to render a nuanced and complex portrait of language in rebellion.

Included in English translation alongside their original language, the fifty-four poems in Resistencia are a testament to the art of translation as much as the act of resistance. An all-star team of translators, including former US Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera along with young, emerging talent, have made many of the poems available for the first time to an English-speaking audience. Urgent, timely, and absolutely essential, these poems inspire us all to embrace our most fearless selves and unite against all forms of tyranny and oppression.

Editorial: Tin House Books, septiembre 15, 2020

Ebook y Paperback, disponible en Amazon

Presentación de Resistencia, poemas de protesta y revolución en youtube

The poetic language of Carlos Aguasaco is familiar, fluid, and thoughtful. His work is founded on several sensible, personal myths: some declared and others hidden with great discretion and skill. His poetry reveals him as a wounded, yet defiant poet, master of a layered tongue, far from conventional or traditional styles. --Ahmad Alshahawy

The New York City Subway Poems includes a collection of prose poems written as reactions to narcoviolence and femicide in Mexico, particularly in the City of Juarez. In the face of senseless death, what could Shakespeare or Cervantes say? Does poetry have some sort of answer to such horror? These poems tell the tales of chilling situations, of roads without return, of the difficult crossroads young Latin-Americans face in the context of poverty and inequality --María Ángeles Pérez López

Carlos Aguasaco's poetry collection renders a voice to the next immigrants wave, the latest nomads of our world, those that daily ride the subway and continuously reshape the metropolis. In this bilingual collection the poet emphasizes the migrant experience and daringly reveals a lyrical itinerary through the City of New York. --Juan Armando Rojas Joo

Ashland Poetry Press, Julio 2020

Paperback, disponible en amazon

Reseña del libro por Priscilla Gac-Artigas en CATEDRAL TOMADA, Revista literaria latinoamericana / Journal of Latin American Literary Criticism, pp 344-348, Vol 8, Nº 15 (2020).

Congregar en una antología digital algunas de las voces más destacadas de la poesía hispanoamericana de los Estados Unidos es un logro que satisface la pasión y los sentidos. Celebramos con esta publicación el mes de la poesía en los Estados Unidos presentando a poetas de una de las tradiciones poéticas americanas, la hispanounidense, que se inicia en el año 1571 con la Obra nuevamente compuesta de Bartolomé de Flores, a la que sigue el poema épico más antiguo escrito en lengua europea, La Florida de Fray Gregorio de Escobedo que se ubica entre los años 1587 y 1593, y el poemario de corte virgiliano Historia de Nuevo México que Gaspar Perez de Villagrá, empieza a escribir a partir del año 1598.

To collect a digital anthology of many distinguished poetic voices of Hispanic poets in the USA is an achievement that satisfiesmany passions and sentiments. We celebrate poetry month in the USA with this publication of poets who have followed the tradition which first began in 1571 with Barlolomé de Flores’s Newly Composed Work to the epic poem The Florida of Brother Gregorio de Escobedo, the oldest poem written in a European language about what would eventually become part of the USA, which appeared between the years of 1587 and 1593, and the Virgil-like poem History of New Mexico by Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá that followed, begun at the end of 1598.To collect a digital anthology of many distinguished poetic voicesof Hispanic poets in the USA is an achievement that satisfies many passions and sentiments. We celebrate poetry month in theUSA with this publication of poets who have followed the tradition which first began in 1571 with Barlolomé de Flores’s NewlyComposed Work to the epic poem The Florida of Brother Gregorio de Escobedo, the oldest poem written in a European language about what would eventually become part of the USA, which appeared between the years of 1587 and 1593, and the Virgil-like poem History of New Mexico by Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá that followed, begun at the end of 1598.

LUIS ALBERTO AMBROGGIO Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española

New York Poetry Review, Junio, 2020

Ebook y Paperback, disponible en Amazon